Thaddeus Thompson
Assistant School Business Administrator
609.737.4000 x2209
thaddeusthompson@hvrsd.orgGina Nobile-Liskowacki
Administrative Assistant
to the Business Administrator
609.737.4000 x2202
ginanobile@hvrsd.orgHeather Pyle
Payroll/Health Benefits Coordinator
609.737.4000 x2204
payroll@hvrsd.orgMarie Pagano
Business Office Secretary
609.737.4000 x2206
mariepagano@hvrsd.orgLouise Colanduoni
609.737.4000 x2203
louisecolanduoni@hvrsd.orgTara Kiesling
Accounts Payable
609.737.4000 x2205
tarakiesling@hvrsd.orgRobert Colavita, Jr. Assistant Superintendent for Business
Business Administrator
Board Secretary609.737.4000 x2201
The business office is responsible for the fiscal operations of the district. It develops an annual budget for consideration by the Board of Education. It handles the bidding and awarding of contracts, conducts purchasing and payroll operations for the district, and supervises the district's transportation and facilities departments.
N.J.S.A. 19:44A-20.26 (P.L. 2005, c.271, s.2) applies to all non-state government agencies, including boards of education. It requires a “Political Contribution Disclosure” (PCD) form be filed by public school contractors for contracts in excess of $17,500 that are not “publicly advertised for bids.”
Click on the link below to access our form.
Russia or Belarus Form
P.L. 2022, c.3, signed into law on March 9, 2022, required the State Department of the Treasury (Treasury) to develop, based on credible information available to the public, a list of persons and entities engaging in prohibited activities in Russia or Belarus (Russia-Belarus list). The list is now available on Treasury’s website and will be updated at least once every six months. P.L. 2022, c. 3 will expire upon the revocation of federal sanctions contained in Executive Order 14024.
Click on the link below to access our form.