Dear Hopewell Valley Families:

This evening we notified Hopewell Elementary families and staff of a confirmed COVID case.  Based on our initial discussions with the Department of Health, we believe this case is limited to Hopewell Elementary. Following our District protocols, Hopewell Elementary  will transition to Full Remote Learning for all students on Thursday and Friday, October 1 and 2.  ALL OTHER HVRSD SCHOOLS WILL REMAIN OPEN.

We need your assistance during this public health emergency to keep us all safe. Please adhere to the following guidelines:
Parents of all in-person students MUST complete the daily symptom form in OnCourse or on the HVRSD app.  We will continue to temperature screen students each morning. 
Failure to complete the daily screening will result in exclusion from school.
If your child has any COVID symptoms, do not send him/her to school.
If your child exhibits COVID symptoms while at school, he/she will be excluded for 10 days, unless cleared by a physician.
If your child has COVID symptoms, please contact your doctor and school nurse*.
If your family is quarantining due to possible exposure, please inform your school nurse*. *All information is confidential.
HVRSD Notification Protocols
Notification of a confirmed or suspected case in your child’s school:
Email sent immediately from the building principal to all families in that school notifying them of a confirmed or suspected case. Personal information of the suspected or confirmed case is private and will not be shared.
Email sent from the District with school closure information based on the Department of Health’s initial investigation.

Possible exposure notification:
If your child has been identified as having been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case, you will be contacted by the Department of Health. Contact is defined as: within 6 feet for more than 10 minutes.
If you are identified as a contact through the Department of Health tracing process, you will be contacted directly by the Department of Health with further details. 

We appreciate your assistance to keep our schools safe. 

Thomas A. Smith, Ed.D.
Superintendent of Schools

RESOURCES with updated links
a. NJDOH COVID-19 Information for Communities and the General Public: 
b. Get the Facts about Coronavirus: 
c. Symptoms of COVID-19:
d. Testing:
e. How to Protect Yourself:
f. What to Do if You Are Sick: